MPR Bag, Pediatric Mask, 2500cc

A large rubber-like bag with oxygen tubing, duck-bill valve and exhalation port, reservoir tube or reservoir bag and other components.
  • Objective - To initiate resuscitation and life support measures during the possibility or presences of cardiopulmonary arrest
  • Settings - MPRs may be used in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, clinics, extended care facilities and ambulances
  • Flow rates - flow rates are adjusted according to patient needs. Oxygen concentrations of 100% are desired but less may be achieved due to different factors, which may include improper mask fit or inadequate flow rate
  • All MPR bags come with 10ft (3m) of oxygen tubing
  • Single patient MPR bags have a clear housing which allows for visualization of patient valve
  • Bag design and texture facilitates grip and manageability
  • Quality components combine to provide a wide variety of configurations
  • All components are not made of natural rubber latex
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